2 comments on “Listen to the Author!!

  1. I’m a bit of a new fan, I found and bought your first book, “To Honor You Call us” a day after the second book was republished though 47North and Brilliance Audio. I bought your second book a week later and was not disappointed, I love both books. Ray Chase does a great job of portraying your charters and I’m so happy that he’ll be doing the third book as well. Oddly enough I originally bought your book to unwind with and help me go to sleep, lights kept me awake so an audio book made sense. The first night with your book kept me awake until 4am and I finally had to put it way since it was keeping me awake. I cannot wait until “Brothers in Valor” is released, so much so that I’ve deprived my self of anymore information about the third book then it’s title. Anymore anticipation and I’ll explode. Ha ha! I hope you’ll do another interview soon after it’s release. It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to wait almost two years for the third book to be published, it’s hard enough to wait a single year for it. I think the day before it’s release will be the hardest. Ha ha!

    After listing to your interview and learning how you’ve become an author it renews my own interest of writing my own novel and creating my own universe. If I ever finish it I’ll send you a copy.

    Live long and prosper. So we may have many more adventure in your universe! 🙂

    • Thank you for your very kind praises. I look forward to reading your first book. Sorry for the lost sleep.

      I agree that Ray Chase is a real asset to the fanchise. As for my doing another interview, the show that recorded the first interview isn’t being recorded anymore and the press isn’t exactly clamoring for face time with me, so I wouldn’t hold my breath, at least before the book comes out. My hope is that sales, after publication, will generate the kind of interest that will result in further interviews. I’ve been told that I handle such things fairly well so I believe that I could be more of a help to sales in that way than a lot of other authors could.

      Thanks for reading and for commenting.

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